Rare Breed Pork Escalopes


The classic way to eat them is to dip them in egg and put a crumb coating on them then pan fry them similar to what you would do with a veal escalope.

Servings: 4 People

Farm: Deep Clough Farm

Farmer: Nathan and Carole Brown

Breed: Gloucester Old Spot or Saddleback

Box Contents: 4 x 170g (6oz)

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Pork escalopes are often over looked but make a great value, mid week meal. Our escalopes are cut from the leg meaning they don’t have any excess fat and taste great. The classic way to eat them is to dip them in egg and put a crumb coating on them then pan fry them similar to what you would do with a veal escalope. Using pork as an alternative to veal has very little impact on the taste and is much better value. If you want to go the whole hog (excuse the pun) then try serving with spaghetti in tomato sauce, the dish is known as pork parmigiana (see recipes) and is absolutely delicious.

Additional information

Weight 0.68 kg

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