Since food is a very large part of human life, it is no surprise than most types of food have different impacts on certain aspects of the world. Our food choices affect our health, the environment, and the production of the food itself. Certain food choices can have lower impacts on human life, and grass fed beef is one of those choices for which the benefits are manifold.
Grass fed beef refers to cattle that have been brought up on a diet of just grass as opposed to corn and grain. Naturally, cows are ruminants, which means their stomachs are designed to digest grass easily and not grain. Cattle that have been raised on just a diet of grain have a lower standard of living and are more likely to have problems with their health. Choosing to buy grass fed beef rather than grain fed therefore means the cattle can live a better life, and the end product will be much better quality.
Grass fed cattle also minimise harm to the environment. Due to the fact that grain fed cows have many health problems, they are often fed with drugs and antibiotics which could be then passed on into the environment to further contaminate water and other animals.
Perhaps the most impact of all, however, is on human health. Directly consuming beef means indirectly consuming whatever the animal ate or was fed with while it was alive. It is much safer and healthier to eat grass fed beef, which has been produced from cattle that have had a more natural, healthier life themselves.